Tekken 8 Battle Pass on a fighting game? Takken 8 is a fighting game that was developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Arika. This game is available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Initially released on January 26, 2024, Tekken 8 already features a Season Pass and an in-game store but Tekken 8 battle pass wasn’t there.
Tekken 8 Battle Pass

Initially released, the game featured a season pass and an in-game store, but I guess it wasn’t enough for the game developers and publishers. Now, just like other video games like Fortnite, Clash of Clans, Call of Duty, etc., Tekken 8 will have its own Tekken 8 Battle Pass. And the Takken 8 battle pass will be known as “Fight Pass”.
Developers of Tekken revealed in the TEKKEN Talk Stream that they will have their own Battle Pass. The Fight Pass or Tekken 8 Battle Pass will feature new cosmetic items. You may check their stream below.
Players will level up by playing matches that unlock new and various items. Players can level up by completing daily and weekly online matches. Players need to complete certain tasks to progress on Tekken 8 Battle Pass.
Price of Takken 8 Battle Pass

The pricing of the Takken 8 battle pass isn’t disclosed yet, but I won’t be surprised if they charge $10, which is the basic fare price for all the battle passes these days. Even though the game is out for $69.99 on Steam, the other DLC characters cost $30 each on Season Pass.
Reactions of Gamers
People’s reactions weren’t positive. Few people were thrilled about the release of Tekken 8 Battle Pass while most of them were furious. They complained about how Bandai Namco, the developer of Tekken 8, are becoming greedy day by day.
One user wrote “Can’t wait for battle royal mode“. While another one “Stop referring to buying the battlepass/tekken coins as “supporting” Bamco. They are trying to leech from you.”
You may read the whole thread below :
We can expect the release of Tekken 8 Battle Pass in the coming week but we are completely not sure about the rewards.
Tekken 8 Update Version 1.03.01 Patch

Apart from the news of the Tekken 8 Battle Pass, the latest patch of Tekken 8 will roll out on 2nd April 2024 as announced by Bandai Namco.
Source : Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco will be releasing an update according to the following details:
Version : Ver.1.03.01
Date and Time of Update :
- [PDT] April 1st (Monday) 15:00 approx
- [UTC] April 1st (Monday) 22:00 approx
- [JST] April 2nd (Tuesday) 7:00 approx
Server Maintenance Schedule
- [PDT] April 1st (Monday) 14:30 – 23:00
- [UTC] April 1st (Monday) 21:30 – 2nd (Tuesday) 4:00
- [JST] April 2nd (Tuesday) 06:30 – 13:00
* During server maintenance, all online content will not be accessible.
Update Contents
- New playable character ‘EDDY GORDO’ added
- New feature TEKKEN FIGHT PASS added to the TEKKEN SHOP
- New items added to the TEKKEN SHOP
- Feature improvements and bug fixes
- Properties and/or behavior for select moves of select characters were adjusted.
Details as follows:
- New playable character ‘EDDY GORDO’
- 72-hour early access made available to owners of the Playable Character Year 1 Pass.
- Playable Character Year 1 Pass is included in the following:
- 「TEKKEN 8 Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack」
- 「TEKKEN 8 Ultimate Edition」
- 「TEKKEN 8 Deluxe Edition」
- New feature TEKKEN FIGHT PASS added to the TEKKEN SHOP
- During the specified period, players can increase their level by completing daily and weekly missions in online matches, allowing them to obtain various items.
- In the PREMIUM tier, where items are even more luxurious, players can also acquire TEKKEN COINS, which can be exchanged for various items in the TEKKEN SHOP.
- New items added to the TEKKEN SHOP
- New costume sets “Cyber Pack 01” and “Cyber Pack 02” available for all playable characters.
- A legacy costume for Yoshimitsu
- EDDY GORDO Avatar Skin
- Functional improvements, Bug fixes.
- Afeature has been added to RANKED MATCH, QUICK MATCH, and GROUP MATCH modes to allow for the termination and invalidation of matches if the network connection quality falls below certain specified conditions.
- An indication has been added to the versus screen in PLAYER MATCH mode to display when the stage has been randomly selected.
- A QUIT option has been added to the MAIN MENU to allow the game to be exited from sources other than the options menu (Steam version only).
- Behavior/properties of moves will be adjusted for some characters.
- In version 1.03, continuing from the previous version 1.02, focus was placed on correcting unintended move behavior.
- Work on an update focused on battle system balance is underway, but we are undertaking this with utmost caution by carefully evaluating user play data collected from around the world. Version 1.04 is scheduled for release in May following the conclusion of EVO Japan 2024.
- Version 1.04 will primarily focus on buffing characters who haven’t been able to fully showcase their uniqueness. However, adjustments to certain moves that exhibit significant strength will also be made.
- Scope of Update
- The application of the update data will result in the following impact on each mode and feature.
- “DOWNLOADED REPLAYS”,”MY REPLAY & TIPS”: Replay data from before the update will be unavailable for playback.
- “ONLINE REPLAY”: Replay data from before the update will be deleted.
- “SUPER GHOST BATTLE”,”GHOST MATCH”: Character behavior and move properties will reflect that of the post-update state.
To check the full patch note : Click here
Also Read : Playstation Plus Free Games List Announced for April.
The game looks exciting as ever after the announcement of Tekken 8 Battle Pass but many people bashed Bandai Namco over social media for the Tekken 8 Battle Pass. The latest patch will bring a lot of new items but I’m most excited about the character “Eddy Gordo”.